Monty Goes Skiing is the first installment from The Adventures of Monty the Marmot books, a completely new and unique way to introduce young children to the wonderful world of winter holidays; and Monty is a fun and friendly character who just loves to play in the snow with all his friends!
Created by Richard Liddle, a BASI qualified ski instructor, Monty uses terms and phrases that children may come across when in ski school, either in the UK or whilst on holiday abroad.
As well as being hand drawn and colourful, the illustrations are designed to help demonstrate and explain various elements that children, and parents, will experience whilst on holiday in the mountains.
The books are not written as a ‘manual for skiing’ but are crafted as a simple primer for learning to ski and a fun packed winter adventure for young children to love and enjoy, over and over again.
When purchasing a copy of the book, you will also be helping to support some great charities. More information can be found on the Charity Fund page.
© 2017 The Adventures of Monty the Marmot